Udemy - Online Courses
Yesterday, I decided to register for some online courses and found Udemy to be just the place I wanted to learn from. I decided to...

ADDIE vs SAM Model
I had a job interview yesterday with a warm and jovial lady who was kind enough to put me at ease. Interviews can be stressing. She...

e-Learning for Beginners - PART 4: Creating e-Learning - PROCESS
When you bake a cake, you need to follow a recipe. So our e-learning cake also has a recipe which we will refer to as a "process". ...

e-Learning for Beginners - PART 3: Creating e-Learning - PEOPLE
E-Learning is like baking a cake. You need people, a process and production tools. People help decide what ingredients will make the...
Missed you !
Sorry I have been away from my site for awhile. Lots of things happening...good things! I will be developing e-learning modules for the...

ELH Challenge #83: E-Learning Reaction GIFs for Visual Storytelling
This past week I had difficulty meeting the challenge - busy prepping my classes for summer start up. However, today, I decided to find...

e-Learning for Beginners - PART 2: Benefits of E-Learning
E-Learning provides a quick and easy solution to learning without the hassle of travelling or pulling your employees away from their job....

ELH Challenge #82 - Simple Steps to Creating an Online Course
The nice thing about these challenges is that David Anderson, Community Manager, publishes our work and emails a newsletter (E-Learning...

e-Learning for Beginners - PART 1: What is e-Learning?
I thought I would focus on e-learning for the next little while since I have been "researching e-learning to death". I am "e-learning"...

My First Storyboard
This was my first storyboard which had its challenges. There were six chapters and each chapter was an information dump in bullet form...