Udemy - Online Courses

Yesterday, I decided to register for some online courses and found Udemy to be just the place I wanted to learn from. I decided to register for three courses at this time:
The Complete Web Developer Course
Flash CS6 Tutorial - An Essential Guide For Web Developers
Introduction to Project Managment
I chose these because I wanted to gain knowledge in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MySQL, Flash and Project Management. As an instructional e-learning designer, I believe these will help me understand and work through the processes in designing and developing e-learning solutions. There are easy and user-friendly sites like wix.com and weebly.com that provide templates that are easy to use, but I want to have some insight into developing a website.
I started with the The Complete Web Developer Course and after struggling a bit, I found myself progressing rapidly and learning "code". I always heard the term and basically it is the language used when building a website from blank. I'm on Lecture 18 of 238 ! Although it was a slow start, and have a long way to go, it is picking up.
This course includes Eco Web Hosting for a year if I wish to use it. I will probably create a complete website for practise and maybe switch over. I'll have to wait and see if it works for me. In future posts, I may decide to post my website link so you can see my progress.
I have also learned how to share my files using ftp. The course suggested Firefox's "fire ftp". I used Core ftp at my previous job. It's hard to say which I prefer, but following along with the Udemy Instructor using fire ftp has been easy and it's quite similar to Core ftp.
Well, I am really excited about this new adventure travelling in the world of technical programming. A bit scary, but can't wait to see my achievements!
Bye for now!