daniela slater, b.ed

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My name is Daniela Slater. I have decided to become an e-Learning Instructional Designer. So how did I come to this conclusion? Well, it all began 16 years ago teaching in the post-secondary environment. Then recently having completed my Bachelor of Education in Adult Education through Brock University and Athabasca's online courses, I have become so enlightened to the principles of adult learning in today's education methodologies and technology. I truly enjoyed teaching which allowed me to share my knowledge and experience with those just entering the workforce. Teaching helped me learn more about the learner and what makes them tick.
Things began to change in a slightly different direction for me in the past eight years. Technology has interested me in developing learning solutions through e-learning software tools for Learning Management Systems (LMS) so much that I explored their features as a self-learner. So much so that I ended up training other Instructors on LMS (Moodle) features.
During my university online courses, I discovered how learning with technology could stimulate the mind through active and engaging activities. I was able to identify what was effective and what wasn't. Simple and fun seemed to be the keys to successful learning. I have also learned that to motivate learners, methods used to teach need to be interactive and engaging.
I am focusing my energy on various software tools so I can determine which ones will best work in the creation process. To start, I have experience using Microsoft Office applications, Adobe Connect, Learning Management Systems (Moodle and Blackboard). I earned a Certificate in Articulate Storyline2 issued by Yukon Learning in August 2015 and have sample modules already available in "Gallery" and will continue to build. Some of the work I have done is proprietary and cannot be posted here.
My background work and teaching experience is in the field of Tourism and Hospitality but the knowledge I gained expands to, and allowed me to facilitate, Marketing, Selling, Career Planning, Networking, Success Strategies for College, Microsoft Office, Leadership, Event Planning, Customer Service and much more.
My personal life...
My husband is my technical support system when it comes to the real techy stuff. My daughter is in high school, a competitive dancer, and wants to work in some capacity of education one day (maybe follow her mom's footsteps) and become an e-Learning Instructional Designer. My son is my other technical support system but he's at Waterloo University right now for his degree in Computer Science. My little pup is our little baby (even though he's over 10 years old). For more about me, click here.